Who We Serve - Flex Benefits


You enjoy an active lifestyle, which includes frequent travel, winter destinations, hiking and pickleball with your closest friends, and frequent connections with your family. 

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Self-Employed Business Owners

You are an expert in your field and have created your own company to consult others. You have freedoms outside of the corporate world but are also fully responsible for your family’s financial well-being.

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Industry Workers

Whether you are a retail, hospitality, or seasonal worker, you are making your path with hourly work, perhaps with tips to help fuel your savings for dream luxuries like travel or a new place to live.

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Early Retirees

You might own your home and work part-time, but your finances are a nuanced picture of lifetime savings coupled with ongoing expenses, especially medical bills, as you wait for Medicare eligibility.

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Independent Contractors

You love being your own boss. You have the freedom to do what you enjoy every day, and fulfill your personal work goals. Yet freelancers and contractors still need financial protection from the unexpected.

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Having employer-sponsored healthcare benefits isn’t what it used to be. You have deductibles and copays, plus your monthly premium costs. There’s an incredible need for additional coverage to help pay for these out-of-pocket responsibilities. 

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